Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Free fonts!

Hi, this is my new font, curly Q.? Yes, you can download it free at "Outside the Line," a cool site run by a girl named Rae who makes cool fonts and sometimes gives them away.
Here is her site.
I think it would be fun to experiment with making books of poetry or whatever with this font.

Friday, August 5, 2011

"Luxury Goods"

Luxury Goods

Lying around reading The New Yorker
On hot afternoons is a luxury;
You read about ugly architecture,
I read about ancient philosophy.
Apparently Lucretius Carus thought
The world was made of tiny atomi,
And seven hundred fifty dollars bought
Some shoes in New York City recently.
I myself own a lot of blueberries
In quart-size mason jars in the freezer
Also goat cheese, and cherry tomatoes
In the garden to pick at my leisure.
Luxury is in the nature of things;
No shoes, no shirt: millions of blueberries.